Technology Resources For The Classroom | OptionsANIMAL

Technology Resources For The Classroom

Technology has become highly advanced and is used in almost every aspect of our lives. Yet most schools continue to fall behind when it comes to integrating forms of new technology into the classroom. Technology has allowed educators to move beyond traditional blackboards and chalk. Modern technology has given educators the ability to teach with the use of computers and other electronics. Students are able to research information in a matter of seconds. Tests and quizzes can be taken electronically and course materials can be easily accessed from any computer. Computer-based instruction can also provide instant feedback to students, allowing them to learn more in less time. Many schools are just beginning to learn about the true potential that digital learning has to offer educators and students. When technology is properly executed, students can acquire the skills they need to thrive in a technological-based economy.

Resources for Teachers

Resources for Students

  • Create Your Own Web Page: Step-by-step instructions on how to create a web page and publish it on the web.
  • Student Technology Resources: Resources that give students with computer support, useful technological tools and e-mail and Internet information.
  • Introduction to Web Browsing: Article about the different types of web browsers and how they are used to search for information.
  • Kids Homework Helpers: Students can search for information to get homework help on a variety of subjects.
  • PowerPoint in the Classroom: Directions for students on how to create a PowerPoint presentation.
  • Ethics in Computing: Information on computer ethics, such as computer abuse, speech issues, social-justice issues and more.
  • Get Net Wise: Collection of how-to technology videos, information on keeping safe while online and tips for protecting your computer.
  • Internet Island: Interactive webpage that allows students to learn a lesson in marine biology.
  • Quiz Hub: List of K-12 educational quiz games in a variety of school subjects that are iPad compatible.
  • School Spreadsheet Safari: History of spreadsheets and how to use them to learn on the web.
  • Excel Tutorial: Basic excel tutorial with information on inserting columns, entering specific formulas and formatting text.
  • Keyboarding Can Be Fun: Fun Internet activities for students that give keyboard typing practice.
  • Create a Graph: Students can create a bar, line, area, pie or XY graph through this interactive activity.
  • Read Write Think – Student Materials: Educational web-based activities for students learning on the web.
  • Middle School Technology Integration: Student projects that use computer software, with as Paint, Word and PowerPoint to learn math.
  • About Computers: Lessons to teach students about technology and computers, including information on DOS, organizing files and the parts of a computer.
  • Middle School Computer Lessons: Computer lessons for middle school students, such as word processing, web pages and software.
  • Absolute Beginners’ Guide to Using Your Computer: Interactive guide for beginners on how to properly use a computer.
  • Free Computer Tutorials: Free programming courses for students on using Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other software.
  • Free Computer Training: Computer tutorials for beginners on various computer topics, such as email, social media, Google and Open Office.

Resources for Parents

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