How To Not Miss Out On Market Gains

How To Not Miss Out On Market Gains

Sometimes the market seems to have a will of its own, acting deliberately to confound the largest number of people possible. Just when everyone expects the market to plummet, for example, after a monumental event like the Brexit, it stages a rally and breaks out to new all-time highs. As upsetting as it is to lose money when the market falls, it can be almost as disconcerting to watch the market rocket up without you. You imagine everyone around you swimming in profits while you just stand there waiting for a chance to get in. If that’s you, first of all, take a deep breath because you are not alone. Very few people predicted the magnitude and speed of recent gains and according to a recent article in Reuters, investors are holding record amounts of cash in their portfolios. However, it is important to learn from the market and understand how to profit from its moves, even when those moves take you by surprise. Combine a knowledge of options with the ability to analyze equities fundamentally and technically and you won’t have to feel left behind in the future.

The easiest way to avoid missing these unexpected rallies is to have some money invested at all times. Simply dollar cost average into a low-cost exchange traded fund like the SPY. Although at times this strategy will have you buying in when the market is high, you will also buy in at the lows. With a long enough time horizon you can take advantage of the fact that over the long haul, the market tends to rise. However, you do have to expect, and be prepared to endure, some violent drops as we experienced in 2000 and 2009. Part of my personal portfolio is dedicated to this strategy, and it has made good money for me over the years. A knowledge of options can make this strategy less frightening, as options provide many ways to protect your holdings when the market turns. However, that is a topic for another day.

The other way to make sure you don’t miss great opportunities is to combine a knowledge of equities with a knowledge of options. At OptionsAnimal, we put an emphasis on getting to know the securities you trade. We teach fundamental analysis in addition to technical and sentimental analysis and encourage our students to build a watch list of stocks they trade often and know inside and out. The benefit of this is that when the market falls, you already have your eye on great stocks which have suddenly become great values. It’s important to remember that when prices fall, many fundamental metrics improve. For example, when the price you pay decreases, the dividend percentage increases. As long as earnings haven’t changed, a price drop improves the PE ratio, as well as all the other price based ratios such as price to book. If you know your companies well, you can be there to latch on when the fundamentals make the full picture look attractive.

Of course, it’s still frightening to jump in when the market is falling, and everyone seems to be predicting doom and gloom. That’s where options can help. You can use them to limit the risk, even as you take advantage of the upside. The married put provides a simple example. By adding a protective put to your stock buy, you can benefit from the unlimited upside potential, and limit your downside risk. Additional strategies such as collars, calendars and diagonals can similarly help you participate in a rising market with limited risk. In short, the more tools you have in your toolkit, the better able you are to capitalize on opportunities when they arise.

Jodie Lane
OptionsANIMAL Instructor

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Jodie Lane

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I've been an Options Animal member / student for a bit over a year now and am incredibly impressed with the organization, their depth of knowledge, their teaching methods and their support of their students. In fact, I just signed up for life time membership so that I can continue to make use of the resource for the rest of my trading career.Before becoming a student of O/A I had been studying options trading technique on my own, attending webinars buying books from Amazon & etc. for about three years and not doing very well at it. I was also trading equities as I had been for the past 17 years and my portfolios were increasing in value from my efforts but not by leaps and bounds. In fact I was just covering living expenses plus a little bit and looking for a way to become a more successful trader; hence my foray into options.Joining Options Animal was like stumbling out of the woods and into the sunshine. "Don't try to trade options until the end of the course when you will have learned how to do it." was their first piece of advice. ( Wish I'd had that tattooed on my wrist three years ago. It would have saved me a bundle.) Next piece of advice: "If you do experiment with trading options just count the results as increased tuition costs." (Yeah, I had to learn that the hard way.)Then they proceeded to a very detailed analysis of markets / equity trading with instructions on where to find the real information for fundamental analysis. This alone resulted in a measurable improvement in my efforts at equity trading. After that it was straight into options, "the Greeks" & etc.What makes the O/A teaching method a cut above anything else, in my opinion, is that there are four primary instructors all from different backgrounds who each teach all the lessons in the curriculum. All of their efforts are recorded in the O/A archives which gives the student the ability to gain exposure to the same material from four different perspectives. And because the instructors are continually presenting the material over time one can gain a better understanding from listening to the same person giving the same talk but in a slightly different way.Any points not clearly understood can be repeated instantly or reviewed in its entirety later. Students can also interact with the instructors in real time during the scheduled sessions or attend the weekly open forums to cover specifics and have additional questions answered. One is not locked into a rigid class schedule which is going to move forward whether the student understands the presented material or not.In addition there is a bulletin board / chat room organized by courses and lessons and related subjects where students and interact and learn techniques from each other and the participating instructors.Long story short: if you really want to improve your trading to the point where your success rate is above the ninety percentile point then Options Animal is what you've been looking for.
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