Professional Endorsements | OptionsANIMAL

Professional Endorsements

Guy Adami

Guy Adami

"You don't want to do anything that entails risk, whether it's: driving a car, parachute, playing a sport, or trade, without some background in education. So, I liken it to this, we can all go to Las Vegas and show up at a craps table, not knowing how to play, and through blind luck, we could hit a hot table, and we could all make a lot of money; but it doesn't mean that we know what we're doing. I think bull markets make us all geniuses, so to a large extent, many people make money as things go higher, and they probably have no business being in the market in the first place. With education, though, with a solid background in education, you can go to that same craps table, know what you're doing and make 3 or 4 times as much as everybody else. I think that's the same thing in trading. Obviously, education requires commitment, time, and effort, but I also think the rewards are great. So that's why OptionsANIMAL does what they do, and that's why I've attached myself to them because I think they are the best in the business in terms of what they do.

The team at OptionsANIMAL practices what they preach. Our industry is full of "hucksters" looking to make a quick dime on your desperation. Greg and the team at OptionsANIMAL truly care about their clients and are committed to providing the education and proven strategies we all need in these trying markets. I urge all of you to look at their website and the services they provide, and I think you will find it is time well spent."

Guy Adami began his career at the famed investment bank Drexel Burnham Lambert, trading energy and metals, before joining Goldman Sachs in 1996 to help lead up their US equities basic materials group. There, he worked for legendary names, including Gary Cohn and current CEO Lloyd Blankfein. Mr. Adami is an original cast member of CNBC's trading show Fast Money.

Jon "DRJ" Najarian


Hello, I'm DRJ, Jon Najarian, CoFounder of; you may have seen me on the internet and followed me on Twitter. Perhaps,, or maybe you've seen me doing broadcasts from the world's busiest exchange, the CME, or perhaps on CNBC.

What I do, folks, talk about what I see in the market and how we follow it, with the unusual activity of buying or selling, and how it can tip us off to market direction.

I also find good education very important because it was certainly central to what I am all about as far as trading, and I think a lot of folds neglect that; they think investing, and trading is something they can just kind of show up at. That is not the case. Any of you who have tried that know it. Doesn't work that way. There are 1 in a thousand people who will become successful that way, through the school of hard knocks, and I think you're much smarter to follow a group and a curriculum much like you would in college.

You can do that with our friends at Those guys at OptionsANIMAL give you a good basis, and you can attend many of their free workshops. As you're checking out their website here, make sure you check out a bunch of their free workshops around the country. If it ends up being something that, indeed, you agree with me that would help you in your trading career, well then, of course, they have a variety of packages that you can check out. They have packages starting in the hundreds of dollars.

As I said, money is well spent in my opinion. Many folks who OptionsANIMAL has educated are less likely to blow themselves up; they know what they're doing. They can put on a controlled amount of risk to make money rather than take an extraordinary amount of risk and take a shot.

That's not how I trade; I bet it's not how most of you want to trade. I think most of you want to do what I do, which is define my risk on entry, and then set up the best strategy to fit that particular outlook that I have, bullish or bearish for stocks, options, or futures. OptionsANIMAL can help you do that. Please check out their options here on the site.

Jon 'DRJ' Najarian is co-founder of optionMONSTER® and co-lead analyst for the InsideOptions™ and Covered Call Investor trade idea alert systems. He spent the first 29 years of his trading career trading in and around the pits of the Chicago exchanges. Jon frequently contributes to CNBC, the Wall Street Journal, and other prominent financial media organizations. Mr. Najarian also co-developed the patented trading algorithm, the Heat Seeker®, used to detect unusual trading activity.

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Some classes are very technical, I can repeat them as needed. I would rather retake a class than see it dumbed down.
OptionsANIMAL is not the first trading education I've paid for, but it is BY FAR THE BEST! I've been studying with OA for about 18 months and have not once been disappointed in the instruction or support services. OptionsANIMAL is pure class all the way through. The instructors earned their way into their positions, so they speak with real rather than theoretical knowledge. The lessons plans are clear and comprehensive, and the instructors are skilled communicators. They are also accessible as you can address questions to them and they actually respond.I have gained so much trading confidence through OptionsANIMAL that I see it as a vital part of my life. The emphasis on secondary and tertiary exits has allowed me to react confidently whichever direction the market turns.I could go on to the point where this review would lose credibility, so I'll stop by saying joining OptionsANIMAL is one of the best decisions of my life. It has blown the doors of possibility wide open for the future.
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