Larry Jensen | OptionsANIMAL

Larry Jensen

Larry Jensen

Co-Founder and President

At OptionsANIMAL, Larry is responsible for the overall direction of the company. With 35 years of business management experience, Larry has been an essential developer of successful business operations for the company. Larry co-founded OptionsANIMAL to help investors achieve financial freedom.

Larry became interested in the markets as part of an agriculture business he owned and operated. He learned to use forward contracting, hedging, and options strategies to protect the value of the commodities his business produced. This experience inspired Larry to start investing in the stock and option markets.

In the late '90s, Larry partnered with his son, Greg, and formed two investment companies, J&D Associates and Triad Asset Management. These companies became the platform where many of the risk management strategies taught by OptionsANIMAL were developed. Larry currently resides in Lehi, Utah, with his wife, Pam.

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Some classes are very technical, I can repeat them as needed. I would rather retake a class than see it dumbed down.
OptionsANIMAL is not the first trading education I've paid for, but it is BY FAR THE BEST! I've been studying with OA for about 18 months and have not once been disappointed in the instruction or support services. OptionsANIMAL is pure class all the way through. The instructors earned their way into their positions, so they speak with real rather than theoretical knowledge. The lessons plans are clear and comprehensive, and the instructors are skilled communicators. They are also accessible as you can address questions to them and they actually respond.I have gained so much trading confidence through OptionsANIMAL that I see it as a vital part of my life. The emphasis on secondary and tertiary exits has allowed me to react confidently whichever direction the market turns.I could go on to the point where this review would lose credibility, so I'll stop by saying joining OptionsANIMAL is one of the best decisions of my life. It has blown the doors of possibility wide open for the future.
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