Karen Smith | OptionsANIMAL

Karen Smith


Karen began her trading career in the early 90’s using mutual funds as her primary trading vehicle. She managed her portfolios while acting as comptroller of her family business. She was successful with her methodology but was always frustrated by the fees that mutual funds charged on top of commissions involved in trading. She knew that options afforded leverage and became very interested in that concept.
It wasn’t until 2007 that Karen began trading options. She endured the crash in the fall of 2008 and was pleased that she didn’t “blow up” her portfolios. She realized the value that an adjustment methodology would provide, particularly in tumultuous market periods. She discovered Options Animal in the spring of 2009 and became a very enthusiastic student. She graduated from the program in February 2010 and has been a very active trader ever since. Learning the art of adjusting “broken trades” into winning trades has made all the difference in her level of success in trading.

Karen feels privileged to have been asked to become part of the coaching team of OptionsANIMAL in May 2011. She is most excited to share the life-changing and empowering trading methodology taught by Options Animal. She currently resides in San Diego, California with her husband Bruce and their two children.




B.A. in Psychology, Southern Methodist University - Graduated Magna Cum Laude

Trading Style: Moderate


  • Credit spreads
  • Diagonals
  • Covered calls


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Very Educational, I have been trading options for some time and I have recently purchased their classes and I have learned a considerable amount in the little time I have been attending. So far I am very pleased I joined this community.
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